Thursday 18 September 2008

Mercenaries 2: Venezuela Supervillain Training

Mercenaries 2: World in FlamesImage by csullens via FlickrI recently added the Xbox 360 game Mercenaries 2 to my gaming collection. And while I think I might need to hire an exterminator as a result of all the bugs and glitches in the game, I came to realise that it could actually work as a pretty decent simulation of how to invade a small section of Venezuela.

Of course, it's somewhat lacking in the super-villain department as you're only able to play as either a British, American or Swedish mercenary. That said, you are able to buy new weapon drops such as artillery strikes, bunker busters, etc. Which would come in handy when I eventually end up taking on Venezuela.
All the game needs is a secret underground lair and some death rays and it'll be the perfect super-villain training programme for invading Venezuela.

Speaking of taking on Venezuela, I need to figure out which order I should take on the major countries when I finally get around to taking over the world. The USA would definitely be first though, they tend to get involved in almost every war there is so if I'll have to fight them eventually I might as well take them on first.

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